Like many German foods, it's not a really pretty sounding name, is it? The recipe is actually one I got from a German student, when we compiled a cookbook of international family recipes in my grade three class years ago. Translated directly, the word means 'sour roast'. So, when I was newly married I wanted to learn about this Sauerbraten. She made big meaty casseroles and stewed chicken with homemade noodles. She cooked beautiful roasts and cabbage rolls and savoury Strudel. She made headcheese and a kind of absolutely delicious loose sausage, kind of like haggis (we called it Knipp). She made her own cottage cheese and Kochkäse (cooked cheese). She also pickled raw herring and fried herring, pickled fried peppers and stuffed peppers, made her own sauerkraut, fermented huge crocks of cucumber pickles, and green tomatoes, and little apples.

My mom marinated lots of meats and fish in vinegar solutions before roasting or frying them. I didn't grow up with Sauerbraten, though the flavour profile is familiar to my tastebuds.

What is S auerbraten? It's basically a tangy marinated German pot roast, a wonderful Sunday dinner and a special comfort food. Want a special dish for your next Sunday dinner? How about a tangy German Sauerbraten - a wonderfully flavoured, simmered pot roast with a fantastic gravy? Oom-pa-pah! Bring on the Lederhosen! ( Skip to recipe)īeing German, I should have a decent recipe for Sauerbraten on this site, shouldn't I? It's time to rectify that omission. SHARES Facebook 95 Pinterest Messenger SMS Share